- Sometimes the best way to begin is with a fact. Okay, here's one:
In the year 2004, it was estimated that farming across the Earth already produces enough food to feed everyone on the planet - six billion, at that time. Indeed, the same statement added that twice that number - 12 billion - could be fed.
-United Nations Food And Agricultural Organization
Let your head try to wrap around that for a moment. We already have the resources that, if properly distributed, would once and for all end world hunger. Despite this, the UN estimates that 923-million people are hungry worldwide.
Another fact:
It's estimated that a person dies every second of every day from hunger, or diseases made worse by undernourishment. One in five of those who die is a child. That works out to 4,000 people an hour, 100,000 a day, 36 million people a year. More than half the deaths on Earth in a year can be attributed to hunger.
- United Nations Food And Agricultural Organization
Enough information for you? Well, how about a quote:
"...[H]ope comes from just standing up"
-Studs Terkel
It's time to stand up. Stand up and work for those who are hungry. Yes, Big Government must be a part of the ultimate solution. But four thousand people this hour alone can't wait.
- The Heifer Project [Co-sponsoring today's BloggerUnite project]
- The Hunger Site [All you have to do here is click on an icon. It's worth about a cup of food. Couldn't be easier...]
- FeedingAmerica [formerly known as America's Second Harvest. Co-ordinating food bank resources across the US]
There are certainly more groups than these. Find one [or more], then go to work...
-Mike Riley